sábado, 3 de janeiro de 2009

Gruppo Folk Urbano Sperimentale Divisionista.

Project created by the italian musician Raffaele Cerroni (Mushroom's Patience, Nový Svět, Ain Soph...) as part of a 4LP release called Noi I Il Mondo, a The Nekofutschata Musick Cabaret label and recorded around 1983-84. No more infos about it.

4 comentários:

post-paranoia disse...

thank you for this, and for lots of other great things on your blog. a refined selection you made!

Unknown disse...

and i thank you for commenting in my blog and for having such a nice blog! i always link you, great albums for downloading there!

post-paranoia disse...

oh... i feel honoured :)

Anônimo disse...

Various - Brewery In Piotrków Trybunalski



pass : fuoco